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Useful patterns building upon asynchronous iterators


Wrap an aiter with a task that actively yanks out the items and puts them into a aiter.push_aiter.

This might be useful if you have an iterator that needs its elements pulled out as soon as they are created and cached in memory, even if the consumer is not yet ready. Be careful though, since getting too far behind can mean lots of memory is consumed, especially if each element uses a lot of memory, and can interfere with the flow control of TCP (for example) that depends on a data backlog.

Parameters:aiter (aiter) – an async iterator
Returns:a aiter.push_aiter yielding the same elements as aiter
Return type:aiter.push_aiter

If you have an aiter that you would like to fork (split into multiple iterators, each of which produces the same elements), wrap it with this function.

Returns a aiter._aiter_fork object that will yield the same objects in the same order. This object supports fork, which will let you create a duplicate stream.

Parameters:aiter (aiter) – an async iterator
Returns:a aiter._aiter_fork
Return type:aiter._aiter_fork
aiter.aiter_to_iter(aiter, loop=None)[source]

Convert an async iterator to a regular iterator by invoking run_until_complete repeatedly.

  • aiter (aiter) – an async iterator
  • loop (asyncio event loop) – the loop which will run aiter

a synchronous iterator returning the same elements as aiter

Return type:

a synchronous iterator


async version of zip This function takes a list of async iterators and returns a single async iterator that yields tuples of elements.

This iterator advances as slow its slowest component (obviously).

async for a, b, c in azip(aiter1, aiter2, aiter3):
print(a, b, c)
Parameters:aiters (aiters) – one or more async iterators
Returns:an aiter returning N-tuples similar to zip
Return type:an aiter

Take an async iterator that returns lists and return the individual elements.

Parameters:aiter (aiter) – an async iterator yielding lists
Returns:an async iterator where the elements are the flattened inputs
Return type:an async iterator
class aiter.gated_aiter(aiter)[source]

Returns an aiter that you can “push” integer values into. When a number is pushed, that many items are allowed out through the gate.

This is kind of like a discrete version of an electronic transistor.

Parameters:aiter (aiter) – an async iterator
Returns:an async iterator yielding the same values as the original aiter
Return type:aiter.gated_aiter

Note that several additional items are allowed through the gated_aiter.

Parameters:count (int) – the number of items that can be allowed out the aiter. These are cumulative.

After the previously authorized items (from push) are pulled out the aiter, the aiter will exit.

Parameters:iter (synchronous iterator) – a synchronous iterator

This converts a regular iterator to an async iterator.


This wrapper takes an aiter of aiters and pipe the items coming out of all of them into a single aiter.

Parameters:aiter_of_aiters (async iterator) – an aiter that yields aiters
Returns:an aiter returning elements that come from any of the underlying aiters
Return type:async iterator
aiter.map_aiter(map_f, aiter, worker_count=1)[source]

Take an async iterator and a map function, and apply the function to everything coming out of the iterator before passing it on. In this case, the map_f must return a list, which will be flattened. Empty lists are okay, so you can filter items by excluding them from the list.

Note that since there are multiple workers, the order or processed elements might not match the input order.

  • aiter (async iterator) – an aiter
  • map_f (a function, regular or async, that accepts a single parameter and returns a list (or other iterable)) – the mapping function
  • worker_count (int) – the number of worker tasks that pull items out of aiter

an aiter returning transformed items that have been processed through map_f

Return type:

an async iterator

aiter.map_filter_aiter(map_f, aiter)[source]

Take an async iterator and a map function, and apply the function to everything coming out of the iterator before passing it on. In this case, the map_f must return a list, which will be flattened. Empty lists are okay, so you can filter items by excluding them from the list.

  • aiter (async iterator) – an aiter
  • map_f (a function, regular or async, that accepts a single parameter and returns a list (or other iterable)) – the mapping function

an aiter returning transformed items that have been processed through map_f

Return type:

an async iterator

aiter.preload_aiter(preload_size, aiter)[source]

This aiter wraps around another aiter, and forces a preloaded buffer of the given size. When an element is removed, the loader is given a kick to try to refill the preload buffer.

  • preload_size (int) – the maximum number of items to attempt to preload
  • aiter (async iterator) – an aiter

an async iterator yielding the same values as the original aiter

Return type:

async iterator

class aiter.push_aiter[source]

An asynchronous iterator based on a linked-list. Data goes in the head via “push”. Allows peeking to determine how many elements are ready.

This is functionally similar to an async.Queue object. It creates an aiter that you can push items into. Unlike a Queue object, you can also invoke stop, which will raise a StopAsyncIteration on the listener’s side, allowing for a clean exit.

You’d use this when you want to “turn around” execution, ie. have a task that is occasionally invoked (like a hardware interrupt) to produce a new event for an aiter.


Return a synchronous iterator of elements that are immediately available to be consumed without waiting for a task switch.


Return a boolean indicating whether or not an element is available without blocking for a task switch.

Returns:whether or not the aiter has been stopped
Return type:bool

Return a boolean indicating whether or not n elements are available without blocking for a task switch.

Parameters:n (int) – count of items
Returns:True iff n items are available
Return type:bool

Return a boolean indicating whether or not stop has been called. Additional elements may still be available.

Returns:whether or not the aiter has been stopped
Return type:bool

Accept one or more item and push them to the end of the aiter’s queue.


Raise a StopAsyncIteration exception on the listener side once no more already-queued elements are pending.

class aiter.sharable_aiter(aiter)[source]

Not all iterators can have multiple consumers. For example, asynchronous generators don’t allow it. But if you wrap it with one of these, you’ll be okay.

class aiter.stoppable_aiter(aiter)[source]

A wrapper around an iterator that supports a manual shut-off.

Indices and tables